

Statista分享了一组惊人的数据,ChatGPT仅用了五天时间就达到了 100 万用户。而Facebook花了 10 个月,Instagram花了 2.5 个月才达到这个体量。


以下是ChatGPT 社交媒体中10种创新应用。目录:一.创建社媒活动二.创建社媒帖子三.推荐Hashtags 标签四.创建社媒营销日历五.社媒评论管理六.标题建议七.Facebook广告文案八.视频脚本建议九.竞品分析十.挖掘KOL红人


社媒活动没有灵感?ChatGPT 可以在几秒钟内创建N个富有创意的活动建议。

Prompt:Assume yourself as a professional social media marketer having years of experience. You have to come up with some of the best social media campaign ideas for me to <campaign goal>.

举例:Assume yourself as a professional social media marketer having years of experience. You have to come up with some of the best giveaway campaign ideas for shark vacuum cleaner to attract more new users.


Prompt 1:Assume yourself as a professional social media marketer having years of experience. You have to write a creative Instagram for <content topic>.

举例:Assume yourself as a professional social media marketer having years of experience. You have to write 2 creative Instagram posts for the Mother's Day 50% off offer for Shark vacuum cleaner, in around 30 words.

Prompt 2:Write 3 Instagram posts for < content topic>, including creative copy, emojis and hashtags.

举例:Write 3 Instagram posts for electric toothbrush, including creative copy, emojis and hashtags.

Prompt 3:Assume you are a professional social media marketer having years of experience. You have to come up with some motivational quotes about <content topic> that would resonate with my audience.

举例:Assume yourself as a professional social media marketer having years of experience. You have to come up with some motivational quotes about vacuum cleaner that would resonate with US audience.

Prompt 4:Generate 3 ideas for Instagram posts on the topic < content topic> that will engage the target audience <add target audience>. Include CTA, images, and hashtags wherever possible.

举例:Generate 3 ideas for Instagram posts on the topic Electric toothbrush that will engage the target audience US audience. Include CTA, images, and hashtags wherever possible.

Prompt 5:Generate an interesting and engaging question to post on my Facebook Group about <topic>.

举例:Generate an interesting and engaging question to post on my Facebook Group about Electric toothbrushes.

三、推荐Hashtags 标签

Prompt:Assume yourself as a professional social media marketer having years of experience. You have to come up with some viral and trending social media hashtags for <product/service>.

举例:Assume yourself as a professional social media marketer having years of experience. You have to come up with some viral and trending social media hashtags for Shark vacuum cleaner.



Prompt 1:Create a social media content calendar for <your information here>.Provide me a complete calendar for<month year> in a tabular format,including post ideas, captions, and other details in a table.

举例:Create a social media content calendar for a brand named "BLACK+DECKER which sells Cordless Handheld Vacuum in the US. The aim is to create brand awareness and attract followers to interact.

Provide me a complete calendar for May 2023, including post ideas, captions, and other details in a table.

Prompt 2:Create a social media calendar for <product/service> for <number of days> in a table format, which includes content ideas, post frequency, post timing, and engagement strategies.

举例:Create a social media calendar for shark vacuum cleaner for 7 days in a table format.............



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