


Academy News

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

BLUESIGN® academy white paper: new york fashion act

BLUESIGN® academy white paper: new york fashion act The Fashion Act is intended to lead the way on sustainable apparel production, in much the same way that the State of California was in the vanguard of vehicle emissions legislation in the US some years the-new-york-fashion-actDownload Back Share onfacebookTwitter

双酚是一类化学物质,主要用于工业制造聚合物,例如聚碳酸酯塑料和环氧树脂。这些材料用于各种消费品,因此常见于许多日常生活用品中。最广泛使用和最被熟知的是双酚 A (BPA),然而对BPA的限制造成使用替代品双酚S和双酚F的用量增加,这两种物质可能具有同样的危害性。深圳肯达信蓝标BLUESIGN认证培训公司-17周年


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